Looking to Buy a Walk-In Bathtub in Michigan or Ohio?

Selecting the tub that’s right for you may be the hardest part. With all the options out there, it can be difficult to narrow down your selection to a tub that offers just what you’re looking for. Check out our buying guide to make the process a whole lot easier.
Define Your Budget
As far as updating your bathroom goes, replacing the bathtub can be one of the pricier options. That’s why it’s essential to define your budget before you go shopping. This way, you can avoid falling in love with models outside your price range and won’t feel disappointed when you cannot afford them.
Consider Your Specifications
What do you want your tub to be made of? How about the size? Are you looking for any special features? You’ll need to answer all of these questions before purchasing your walk-in bathtub.
Less expensive models are often made of acrylic. You’ll find many mid-range and high-end models in gelcoat and fiberglass. Oftentimes, it isn’t the material that makes the biggest price difference. Instead, it’s the special features and the size. Want 12 hydro-powered jets? Your price tag is sure to be higher. Looking for a plush, over-sized tub with seating? Expect to pay more.
Try It On for Size
Once you’ve got your budget set and list of must-haves made, it’s time for the fun part. Trying the tubs on for size is the ideal way to make your final decision. If you can head to a store or even a few different stores, go for it. Test the doors. Take a seat. Practice entering and exiting the tub. This hands-on experience will give you a better idea of how the walk-in tub will look and feel in your own home.
Compare Models
While you’re in the store, be sure to compare your favorite walk-in tub models to each other. Does one feel more comfortable than the other? Does one particular model offer more safety features than another? These are all important things to consider. If you can’t head to a store, do your comparison online.
These extra steps may save you heartache down the road. A little extra effort helps ensure that your walk-in bathtub is a safe place full of relaxation and comfort!
Looking to Buy a Walk-In Bathtub in Michigan or Ohio?
For more information on purchasing a Majic Window walk-in tub in Michigan or Ohio, contact Majic Window today and learn why the Majic Walk-In Tub is superior to other walk-in tubs. We are located at 30580 Beck Road Wixom, MI 48393. Or give us a call at – 888-776-2542.